Seasonal Items

Spring Bulbs
We can guarantee that our bulbs are the best in town because they are homegrown by us in our greenhouses and our own coolers. Our product mix includes: Tulips, Hyacinths, Daffodils, Crocus and Iris and don’t forget our extensive line of Bulb Gardens, call one of our sales people for pricing!! We’ve got the potted bulb line down to perfection! Our early crop arrives in late September for Valentine’s Day sales and the second crop which is for Easter is potted up in late October. The bulbs are then stored away in our coolers until January when we start pulling them out into the greenhouses to begin forcing growth and color. Bulb Products include: Tulips, Daffodils, Hyacinths, Crocus, Iris & Muscari in 4″, 6″ & 8″ pots Bulb Gardens: available in plastic pans, wicker baskets & ceramics

This holiday means Spring is here and people are thinking color!! We can fill your shops with plenty of that with items like bulb gardens, Azalea’s, Cyclamen, Mums, Kalanchoes and so much more!! Please call us for our latest availability. Whether Easter is early or late we go the extra mile to make sure your lilies are of the best quality out there. Our Easter Lilies are supplied to us in a bud-stage only and are then nurtured in our greenhouses until they are ready to be sold.

Mother’s Day + Annuals + Outdoor Blooming Tropicals
Surely the busiest time of the year and our product line almost doubles as we start carrying items that are suitable for outdoor enjoyment. Things like Hibiscus, Mandavilla, Patio Planters, Bananas, Cannas and so much more are available . You will also want to check out our selection of novelties for your Mother’s Day sales.

Fall Mums
We grow a great crop of Fall Mums that are usually ready to go right after Labor Day. Mums are available in 8″ and 12″ pots with a great selection of variety and color. Our garden mum crop seems to expand every year as more and more of our customers are using these bold colors to spice up their storefronts. Our garden mums are available in 8″ pans and 12″ decorative pots.

We have a lot to offer this time of year whether it’s something blooming like poinsettia’s, Christmas cactus, Amaryllis or seasonal foliage like Norfolk Pines, Ivy topiaries or any of the evergreens.